Stockholm: Climate walks for teachers and students

In Stockholm, teachers are invited to participate in climate walks, so that they can lead similar walks for their students. One aim of the walks is to help relieve climate anxiety that the students feel, by showing them that the ”grown up world” takes the question seriously. The participants get a set of questions to discuss while walking, and 4 degrees Celsius is put into perspective by studying traces of the ice sheet.

The participants in the walks discuss what can happen to the climate in Stockholm if the earth should become 4 degrees warmer, and what we can do today to not end up in that scenario. Also, the participants learn and discuss actions taken by the city of Stockholm to decrease the emissions of greenhouse gases.

We asked Anette Anette Almlöf in the Environmental Department of the city of Stockholm for her best tips for other cities wishing to start up their own climate walks. Her recommendations are:

  1. Make sure there is a good chance of continuity by finding a suitable place in the budget.
  2. ”Sell” the idea to the right people in leading roles in departments/units. Define the target group, aim and goals for the walks.
  3. Join forces with a climate expert and a teacher!

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